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Terms & Conditions

As with all venues, we have some rules and conditions upon hire to ensure that the venue and surroundings are maintained and respected so that it can be enjoyed by all who use it and live around it.

If the HIRER is in any doubt about the meaning of the following, the booking clerk should be consulted immediately. For the purpose of these conditions, the term HIRER shall mean an individual or, where the HIRER is an organisation, the authorised representative. The Hall Committee shall mean St Mary’s Hall Management Committee. Please read the following carefully.



The HIRER will, during the period of the hiring, be responsible for the supervision of the premises, the fabric and the contents, their care, safety from damage however slight, or change of any sort and the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements so as to avoid the obstruction of the highway. The Hall Committee reserve the right to charge the Hirer for all damage (including accidental damage) to the premises or to the fixtures, fittings or contents and for loss of contents. If the hirer has overstayed the hire period, cause disruption or nuisance to neighbouring properties resulting in a written complaint from residents to the committee members.


Use of the Premises

The HIRER shall not use the premises for any purpose other than described in the hiring agreement. And shall not sub hire or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way nor do anything, or bring onto the premises anything, which may endanger the same or render invalid any insurance policies in respect thereof, nor allow the consumption of alcohol thereon without the correct legal steps being taken and if alcohol is sold, the hirer must hold a TEN (Temporary Event Notice).



The HIRER shall be responsible for taking out any licences appropriate to the kind of use being organised. (The Hall Committee can provide assistance in identifying the appropriate licences). Alcohol must not be sold on the premises or within the grounds of the premises without an approval license from the Local Authority, the Hirer will indemnify and costs in relation to the breach of this clause 


Gaming, Betting and Lotteries

The HIRER shall ensure that nothing is done on, or in relation to, the premises in contravention of the law relating to gaming, betting or lotteries.


Public Safety Compliance

The HIRER shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Fire Authority, the Local Magistrates Court or otherwise, particularly in connection with any event which includes public dancing or music or other similar entertainment.  It is the Hirer’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the action to be taken in the event of a fire, which includes calling the Fire Brigade and evacuating the hall; the location and use of fire equipment; escape routes and the need to keep them clear; method of operation of escape door fastenings and appreciation of the importance of any fire doors and of closing all fire doors at the time of a fire.


Means of Escape

All means of exit from the premises must be kept free from obstruction and be immediately available. The Hirer should make themselves familiar with the location of fire extinguishers, and their use, and location of emergency exits, before the event starts.  


Outbreaks of Fire

The Fire Brigade shall be called to any outbreak of fire. There is no public telephone at the Hall or in the Village, it is strongly advised that the Hirer has access to a mobile phone.  


Health and Safety

The HIRER will take note that Chinese Lanterns, Fireworks and open fires are NOT allowed in the hall, or on the hall grounds. There are wooden buildings, woodland, combustible crops and livestock in the area.


Health and Hygiene

The HIRER shall, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all the relevant food, health and hygiene legislation.


Electrical Appliance Safety

The HIRER shall check that all electrical appliances are in good working order and that they are used in a safe manner. 

(The Hall Committee are responsible for an annual check on all electrical equipment).

No electrical equipment is to be brought onto the premises and used until it has been tested by an approved person and entered into the electrical equipment record


Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

The HIRER must report all accidents involving injury to the public or member of the management committee as soon as possible. Certain types of accidents must be reported on a special form to the local authority. A trustee will give assistance in completing this form. This is in accordance with the Executive Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation 1995.


Hirers are reminded that they are responsible for any accident or injury arising out of the activity for which they have booked the premises. It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the premises are safe for the purposes for which they intend to use them.


Private Property

Your hire permits you use of the hall, the hall garden and the car park. You must remain off any surrounding land as it is privately owned and we ask you to help us to respect our neighbours.



The HIRER shall indemnify the trustees for the cost of any damage done to any part of the property, and including the land immediately surrounding the hall, or the contents of the building which may occur during the period of the hiring as a result of the hiring. The HIRER shall be responsible for making arrangement to insure against any third party claims which may lie against her/him (or the organisation if acting as a representative) whilst using the community hall. (The Community hall is insured against any claims arising out of its own negligence).



If the Hirer cancels the booking before the date of the event, either part or all the initial deposit (if applicable) will be retained depending on the time of cancellation.

The Hall Committee reserves the right to cancel any hiring by written notice to the Hirer in the event of:- 

The premises being required for use as a Polling Station for a Parliamentary or Local Government election or by-election. 

Any hiring leading to a breach of licensing conditions or other legal or statutory requirements.

The premises becoming unfit for the use intended by the Hirer.

An emergency requiring the use of the premises as a shelter for the victims of flooding, snowstorm, fire, explosion or those at risk of these or similar disasters. 


In any such case the Hirer shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid, but the Hall Committee shall not be liable to the Hirer for any resulting direct or indirect loss or damages whatsoever.


Any event due to Force Majeure

Any event due to any unforeseen circumstances , avoidable or unavoidable circumstance that would prevent the Hall being used on the day or time of the planned use. The Committee will provide an alternative date for the hire and use of the hall, there will be no additional costs to the hirer for the change of date or time. 

The Committee or any Committee member will not be liable to any costs or damages as a result of or due to change of date or time of the hall that the hirer may incur as a result of these changes. 


Refusal of a Booking

The management committee reserve the right to refuse a booking without notice or to cancel the Hiring Agreement at any time either before or during the term of the agreement upon giving seven days notice to the hirer. The hirer shall be entitled upon such notice to reimbursement of such monies including the deposit or a proportion of the same as have been paid by the hirer to the management committee but the management committee shall not be liable to make any further payments to the hirer.



​The hall must be left clean and tidy including the loos. Cleaning products can be found in the kitchen. Tea towels and cloths are not supplied by the hall. A cleaning checklist can be found in the kitchen. If the oven has been used then please ensure it is left clean.

Instructions for the dishwasher are in the kitchen.

Cleaning of the floors only​ is included in the cost of hire for weddings only. 



In order to keep charges low all rubbish and recyclables must be taken away by the hirer. If rubbish is left on the premises a charge will be taken from the refundable deposit. This includes the bins in the toilets and the nappy bin. Bin liners can be found in the kitchen. 


Car Parking

All cars should be parked in the adjacent car park. Cars must not be parked along the verge of the lane. It is imperative that access is left for Emergency and large farm vehicles as there is a working farm on site. Please discuss any parking requirements with the Booking Clerk should you have any concerns.



The Hirer shall ensure that the minimum of noise is made on arrival and departure, particularly late at night and early in the morning.  The Hirer shall, if using sound amplification equipment, make sure the noise level will not disturb neighbouring residences. 



Music must be off at 23:00. ‘Plugged’ music must be played from inside the hall wherever possible and any outside music must be ceased or moved inside by 21:00 to prevent sound disturbance to our neighbours. 


Sound equipment used in the external areas should be several speakers set in series and NOT single loud amplifiers to ensure the noise is kept to a minimum. If complaints are made by local resident to the committee the committee reserves the right to request equipment is either reduced in volume or turned off. The hirer must comply with any direction given by a committee member  


Tables & Chairs

There is a trolley provided to move chairs to protect the hall floor – please use it. DO NOT DRAG OR ROLL THE ROUND TABLES AND CHAIRS ACROSS THE FLOOR. 

Please ensure you have enough volunteers to help with heavy lifting to avoid any damage. All tables and chairs should be stacked away properly with no more than eight chairs to a stack. The furniture is not to be taken outside onto the lawn.


Stored Equipment

The Hall Committee accepts no responsibility for any stored equipment or other property brought on to or left at the premises, and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded.  All equipment and other property (other than stored equipment) must be removed at the end of each hiring.  Any equipment or property left on the premises will be disposed of. 


No Alterations

No alterations or additions may be made to the premises nor may any fixtures be installed, moved or removed. 


No Rights

The Hiring Agreement constitutes permission only to use the premises and confers no tenancy or other right of occupation by the Hirer.  



St Mary’s Hall is a non-smoking hall.  If you wish to smoke please do so outside and remove all butts.


Fire pits & Fireworks

Both fire pits and fireworks are prohibited on site. This is both due to the fact that the building is of timber construction and there are local farms and livestock at very close proximity.



The HIRER will ensure that no animals, including birds, except guide dogs are brought into the hall, other than for a special event agreed with the Hall Committee. No animals whatsoever are to enter the kitchen at any time.


Compliance with the Children Act

The HIRER shall ensure that any activities for children under eight years of age comply with the provisions of the Children Act of 1989 and that only fit and proper persons have access to the children.



If you are holding an event with the selling of alcohol then you must apply for a Temporary Events Notice (TEN) from Rother District Council (more information can be found in the Terms and Conditions of hire). 




Nothing is to be attached to the painted walls. If you wish to put up decorations then please discuss your requirements with the Booking Clerk. Only biodegradable confetti to be used on the premises.


End of the Hire

The HIRER shall be responsible for leaving the premises by the end of hire period, and leave the surrounding area clean, tidy and properly locked and secured; otherwise the management committee shall be at liberty to make an additional charge.  The Hall must be vacated by 23.00 hours Sunday to Thursday and 23.30 Friday and Saturday.


Please ensure you are familiar with the terms and conditions. A full set will be sent by email to any persons booking the hall. By booking the hall you accept these conditions of use.

Failure to comply may result in the withholding of your deposit.

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